Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Hip Journey..............

It would take about a 500 page novel to go into the details of my hip journey and why I am facing a total hip replacement at age 37. I will make bullet points to outline:
  • 2004 - pain began in my left hip. Dr. told me it was tronchateric bursitis (sp?)
  • 2005 - pain gets worse so I get x-rays and an MRI which diagnoses me with development hip dysplasia (from 1 in 1000 live births have this). Mine was not detected until age 33. No arthritis noted.
  • 2006 - Pain increases, I went to see an orthopedist in Boston who told me I have a labral tear and I need arthroscopic surgery to correct it and my pain will go away. Arthritis noted. I had an MRI with contrast injected in my hip socket. Most painful thing I ever experienced. Worse than my 4 c-sections! They stick a huge needle with no pain meds right into you hip.........imagine feeling the sensation of your funny bone for 10 minutes straight but having it hurt too? I felt like I was in a horror movie.
  • 2007 - Arthroscopic surgery by Dr. Joe McCarthy at Newton-Wellesley hospital. Surgery makes my hip even more painful and I survive on Darvocet and long periods of rest. Limp begins and doesn't go away. Dr. McCarthy tells me I need a THR (total hip replacement).
  • Fall 2008 - I have a good friend who is an orthopod in Boston who told me to go to Dr. Millis at Children's Hospital. He is supposedly one of the best in the world for very abnormal "young" hips (under I qualified...just barely) and performs osteomoties. This is a longer recovery, but a surgery that saves your bone. Unfortunately, because of the arthroscopic surgery failing (should never have been performed on a dysplastic hip like mine) hip degenerated to the point that an osteotomy was probably going to fail on me. Dr. Millis told me I needed an THR and quickly.
  • November 2008 - Consult with Dr. Dennis Burke at Mass General (the best hip replacement surgeon around least here in Mass from what I hear). He concurs immediately that while he hates performing THR on young people like myself, I truly needed one and I should book for a Spring surgery so I can finish out my teaching year (I am a Montessori preschool teacher) and lose some weight. I never lost the weight and actually gained about 10-15 pounds this winter :( Boo on me!
  • May 2009 - Pre-op physical with my primary. All goes well and my bloodwork was fine. My blood pressure was 120/80 and my cholesterol was even under 200 for the first time in like NEVER. Weird. I weigh more and I didn't change my eating habits, so I have no clue as to why the total cholesterol went from 230 at my last physical to 190. I got off track here.....
  • May 26, 2009 - I will have my pre-op appt. at Mass General with Dr. Burke. I finally feel like it's really going to happen and I'm mentally ready for this....I've had it with the limping, the pain and the meds.
  • June 5, 2009 - My surgery day...............I will keep you posted hopefully as soon as I am able to write legibally and not in a morphine induced

Just for the record though.........while I am nervous I'll never wake up from my surgery (that is honestly my main concern...not the pain, not he inability to walk), I am very happy I am having this done. I might not feel this way the day after surgery, but right now I know I am doing the right thing. I may need revision surgery someday, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. For now......I just try to take each day as it comes and love my 4 kids and my husband. I think they all want me back to being me! So if you are reading this and you have any hip issues you want to talk about, feel free to comment. I know so much more now about the anatomy of the hip and the diseases in the young hip. I just wish I knew then what I know now. Dr. Millis would have been able to fix my hip........but you can't cry over spilled milk.

So, please comment if you want, I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Hi
    I waas diagnosed with bilateral hip dysplasia last year at 39 yrs old, after years of hip and low back pain. Following some gynae surgery last summer my hip pain on left side increased lots and after x rays and scans dysplasia and osteoarthritis diagnosed. I had a total hip replacement on left hip 11 weeks ago and would honestly say it is not as scary as the build up!!
    If you have any questions I will be happy to help.
    I need an osteotomy on my right hip also.

  2. Hi Nikki~
    Isn't it amazing it takes so long for the dysplasia to show up in life? I never had any pain until age 32 and boom! It hit me hard. Same thing for me....arthritis, dysplasia and a failed arthroscopy. Are you pain free now? Who is doing your osteotomy...just curious because if you live near Boston, Dr. Millis is supposed to be the best (and he's the nicest dr. I have ever met in my life). My right hip is fine thankfully.

  3. Hello!
    I just had my left hip replaced as well. I'm 30 and have had rheumatoid arthritis for 10 years. I also had a pretty bad limp and lots of pain walking, but delayed the surgery because of my age. Finally I decided to go ahead with it and had my left hip replaced in January. The surgery went really well and recovery was not nearly as bad as I thought. Lots of physical therapy and now I can walk as far as I want and without pain (yay!). Good luck on your surgery, I hope you have a lot of movies or TV to watch for the next several weeks. Let me know if you have questions.

  4. Hi I am in the UK, so nowhere near Boston !My hip which has been replaced is not totally painfree, but no arthritis pain there now, just post op muscular type pain. I have back pain, which my GP is investigating for osteoarthritis, but could be related to dysplasia. Also my right hip has arthritis there but not bad as left was, and can be painful if I do too much. It seems amazing that we get so far in life with this though!
    Good luck with your op x
