Thursday, February 25, 2010

to any newbies....

I've made a few new friends over at Hip chicks and I'd like to share my whole hip story with you...............all my posts are the very earliest ones on my blog (early 2009). They go from my hip story all the way through surgery and recovery. For anyone with CHD contemplating a hip scope..............please, please, please think very carefully about it and do your homework first. The more I know (and experienced first-hand)....scopes should not be done on those with CHD, especially if any arthritis is present. The outcomes are very poor for most. Lots of doctors out there are just not aware because CHD is not all that common and arthroscopy is so new to the hip world. I ended up with a total hip replacement due to lack of judgement by a physician in Boston who did a scope on me. I don't want to scare anyone, but I also feel the need to bring this subject to light because I have now read more than I care to about women like myself in the same boat.


  1. Hi Lulu,

    I like your blog. Our last baby was born on election day. And since we were going to have a girl and liked Sarah Palin. We named aour baby Paylynn Elizabeth. I get a lot of comments all positive. Thank goodness nothing negative. But I like your happy thoughts and nauseating thoughts sections. I like to blog for myself and for others who are going through this. It is difficult and overwhelming. I have a consultation with Dr. Millis on March 4. And from the different blogs I have read he just seems like a very amazing doctor. I am very excited to get to meet him myself. I hope I leave the appt with a surgery date also. I am flying from Kansas to see him. So for me traveling/distance doesn't matter when I can hopefully get a really great doctor.
    My blog is
    I do blog about my hips but do throw in things about the kids but that is really more for laughs.
