Sunday, August 2, 2009

What can I do?

This is a question that has been on mind for some time now. As I sit back and watch the country being taken over by the most greedy, socialist, self-righteous and illegitimate president that I ever witnessed........I wonder.........what can I do? I'm just a wife, a mom of 5 kids, a teacher..........I am really just ONE person in a world filled with all different views, ideas and people. What can I do?

So, I asked myself this question and then it came to nothing. Sit back and watch this fool make a jackass out of himself. He is dying a slow death. I think the downfall of this president is what this country needs to get back on see things the RIGHT take back our country and get rid of this cult-like liberal mindset our mainstream media has put out there for the generic and naive public to take in. Only then will things get changed. A new president (a Republican hopefully or at least a moderate democrat) to fix what Obama has made a mockery of. This is shameful America. Wake up! We can do some small things to make some change....... Blog about him......have debates with your liberal for republicans in your local offices.........don't allow anyone to change your views because it's popular to do so. As Glenn Beck says......ask questions, get to know the key players and educate yourself on what is going on in this crazy world right now. Only then can we see clearly what needs to be done......but in the mean time, I just hope we don't all go down in flames with him.

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