Wednesday, August 12, 2009

No new hips for old people?

This is something Obama wants in his avoid procedures for the elderly including hip replacements. I don't know the situation with his grandmother and why they would give her one in her last few weeks of life, but we are going to allow this man to dictate who gets one and who doesn't? This is insane! I am 37 years old and just had a hip replacement. May god strike Obama down if my rights are taken away from me when I am older and my other hip fails or a I need another one in 20 years. What if I am diagnosed with terminal I supposed to walk around in pain for 2 years or whatever my time was?

This is just another dictation of the biggest dictator America has ever known running this country. Telling the American doctor and patient what procedures can be done and when. We have enough of that with private healthcare. Although I have Blue Cross and for the most part......very happy with my HMO. They don't question my doctors orders. I've had 3 MRI's in 3 years, cat scans, 2 hip surgeries........the list goes on. I cost the healthcare system a lot of money. However, I get good and decent healthcare and I want it to stay that way.

We'll pay 'cash' for clunkers, but we won't 'cash' for new hips for old fogies? I guess cars are worth more than the elderly.

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